Hi..Aiko. I hope you are doing well in a better place. I don't know what or who your sister wants. So..please give me a sign, Aiko.
Hi! What are you doing here?
Oh! Hi Kyon! I was just uh, praying! Hehe..hehe...
Oh, that's cool. I came to pray too. Can I join you?
I mean, no! I kinda want to pray by myself...if that's okay...
Oh? Why all of a sudden?
I-I Have to go!
(Hmm..Maybe I should ask Reiko...yeah, I will.)
Grr..How dare Mei say that Aiko is sweet and nice?! Ugh~
Why hello little girl, are you lost?
Haha! Oh hey Kyon~<3
So you actually DID what I said..
Wait a minuet..You mean you-know-what?
Yes. You know.
I can't believe you made me do and say it...You knew I loved her!!! YOU KNEW IT ALL!!!
K-know what?
Uhhh...yeah..so you see what happened was...uh..hehehe...heheh..
Tell me NOW! I want to know!
Well...Kyon made me kill my sister in order to date him..And then say to you that I hated her..But I really don't. I love her very much. I miss her......
Why would you do such a thing? I'm ashamed of you. You were blinded by false love, and threw out your loved one. Aiko loved you no matter what. You know that..