“Rude People”

Kelvin Hsu Earlier today, I experienced another humiliation on the bus.

A woman was provoking me because I have accidentally bumped her with my heavy bag.

Although I apologized, she kept asking provocative questions and threatened to report me (like I care...).

Although it didn't cause me any physical problems, the way she is provoking me seems

like she does not treat me like a person who has any right.

She looked at me like I should get out from this bus and that she is disgusted. The way she provokes me is very humiliating.

This happens surprisingly often. The most recent one being just a week ago, when a woman cussed..

"Oh Fuck you!!"

.. to me very loudly on the train at Hornsby.

It happened when she hastily entered the train door while I was exiting. I believe it's common knowledge that exiting passengers should go first.

She also picked up her bag and swang it at me to push me away while she cusses.

I've also seen countless times of similar things happening to other passengers on the train or buses.

I normally don't post these kind of stories on facebook. But seeing that I've written so many of these incidents into my diary notes already,

I'm very upset and sad about how often this is happening. Does this happen that often or is it just me?

Isn't there anything we can do about this?

Leslie Phung Welcome to Sydney.

Longen Lan tell the old hags to go fuck themselves and mind their own business.

Seriously, she will probably be more scared of you if you assert yourself.

that sounds ignorant, but you have to give it a try^

Patrick Ung You should of pushed that bitch down then screamed "outta the way! I claim this public vehicle!"

Sonia Hsieh Honestly, you have that easily-pick-on look.

Kelvin Hsu Longen Yea it was difficult to suppress my anger and cuss back.

I tried not to go too far and just asked her ..

"Can't you be more understanding about other passengers' situations?", referring to my heavy bags.

Then she kept rambling on about how it's rude and I really need to apologize "sincerely" again.

Butterfly Hu 沒素質的人很多啦〜下次他們就微笑^^ say "have a nice day"

Jason Chen yeah, weirdo's everywhere. don't give them the time of your day man!

Longen Lan fair enough. well if you don't want to sit through a whole production throughout your trip,

just give her a few nasties and a piece of your mind to her as you're about to leave.

Prasad Cheema Just be peaceful. Eventually all this anger will work against them one day.

Chia-Ling Yu A lot of these assholes on public transportation these days...

Jona Liu Pick up your phone And pretend to talk to your frd ''OMg this old lady is so weird,

i didnt do shit and she is like being all ar~~ you bumped me with your bag and shit~ aye i know eh?"

Andy Hu tackle them

Leah Davies Wow you're a magnet for these problems I've never has any o.o

Leah Davies Don't hesitate to share these stories on fb we will always back you up!

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Posted at 2013/02/04 11:44 Viewed 3 times


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