『Fight for Your Life (Part 3)』

Announcer: The annual school killing will begin in..

Announcer: 3.

Announcer: 2.

Announcer: 1.

Announcer: Let the annual school killing begin.

Let's do this, now let's go from top to bottom and wipe the hell out of everyone.

You would think by now everyone has figured out by how you go with your killing spree plan. You do this almost every year.

Don't be so mean. Anyway, people have figured out which is why we're gonna start here.

We're gonna let them come to us.

When? I don't feel like watching you prey on helpless victims, I call them helpless victims because they probably had no reason or interest to kill you until you did something to them.

Hoh, there!

Toko, do not be so terrible. I'm tired of this unwanted behavior. Why can you not support me for once? Do not be an idiot, I love you, but become a bit smarter.

Are you ok?


I love you.. Toko.


Toko! Go hide!

Aah, I'm happy I got here in time. You know, Hanako, many people want you dead.

Hashimoto, you shouldn't be so arrogant to confront me so easily.


You're the arrogant one. Running around killing people, getting the highest killing score in the school district? What's wrong with you?

I think if I really wanted to get back at you I would kill your boyfriend instead.


Do not fuck with something you cannot handle. -pulls out knife- I will cut all your organs out of your body if you even go near my beloved, Toko.

Fine then, you want to go? -pulls out revovler- Then let us dance, Hanako.

How like you, to use a gun, a simple weapon that can easily run out of ammunition. While my knife here can be used no matter what! -puts away knife and pulls out twin pistols-

But I do like guns as well. Too bad you chose the worst kind, in style and form it's cool, but ammunition wise, not so.

N-No! Stop! -fires and misses Hanako-

You're aim is pretty terrible too. -runs up to Hashimoto-


-shoots Hashimoto in her stomach-

W-What? No, stop, it hurts!!

Was it not suppose to hurt?

That's what makes it fun.

-falls from pain-

That was just shot number one. Now let's see, how about a hundred more? I wonder how that would feel?

Let's find out..


Today, she was covered in Hashimoto's blood. I wonder who else will suffer the wrath of my dear friend, Hanako.

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  • ] 最後のページ
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公開日 2014/12/19 16:15 再生回数 10

