『Gideon no Monogatari』

Gideon Goh just before the shop is about the close,

I served a customer who somewhat seems a bit full of themselves and boast their richness to people..

So, there's this lady who orders about 3 x $200 hampers and asked me if there's any free gifts if they ordered a certain amount.

I said yes and brought to see the displays that we have for our free gifts. Here's how the conversation goes,

Me: (speaking in Mandarin) Miss, here's the free gift we have. If you buy a certain amount, you can redeem a gift from us.

Customer: (speaks in Mandarin) it's that all you really have? (speaks in English)

Why, So Cheap? (speaks in Mandarin once again) I can get better gifts than this at *blahblahblah company*

Me: (speaks in Mandarin and give some polite explanation) Well, my supervisors are the one who set it this way. But.. (not complete sentence)-

Customer: Why so cheap de leh?? (English got mixed)...

Me: (Got a bit pissed, but retained the snarling smile and in English I spoke back) Miss.. These are called Gifts.. They are for free..

At least you don't have to pay for it. Doesn't matter if the item is cheap or not, it's still and gift.

So, be glad and take it happily that not a money is waste on the redemption.

Customer:(speaks in Mandarin) What nonsense are you spouting??

Me: (Speaking in English) I'm providing customer service by explaining since you've asked ,

"why so Cheap?", and so I explained it to you.

Customer: (Shocked and kept quite quiet for a moment, decides to change topic)

so is the pop jar made of glass?

She thought she could get me with a few English sentence not knowing that I am good in speaking in English.

If to put it in my rather Malaysian Chinese English sentence,

She thought she can diao me with Ah mor, but cannot cause I diao her back with Ah mor as well..

Alex Panglima Owned. Hahaha

Avdol Hazif She should.... BUY HERSELF BETTER EDUCATION! Ba dum tish!

Gideon Goh If I wanna continue, I could've said "abuden" or "duh~" when she asked if the Pop Jar is made of glass..

lol!~ XD

Muhammad Iqmal Listen Listen Listen

Gideon Goh Muhammad Iqmal lol.. this one is, "Why so cheap?!" "Why so cheap leh???"

Muhammad Iqmal hmm...she might be apprentice of Sharifah XD got double sentence

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公開日 2013/02/04 01:40 再生回数 3

