[Norman Sanzo] This week’s guest on The MBS Show is going to be Niban-Destikim. He is well known for his comic drawing being featured on EQD.
Ask your questions and it might get read on the show.
[Norman Sanzo] No body wants to ask a question? =(
[Dis Iz Hazi] wait, let me think of some...
When did you start making comics? What software do you use for your drawings and comics? Where do you usually get your ideas for comics besides ponies? what I can think of, so far
[Norman Sanzo] it's cool =D if you do just type them in XD
[Marz Fiz] hmmm to be honest i dont really much know about him... so i'll ask my usual questions regarding the brony fandom...
1)What is you opnion about the brony Fandom?
2)What makes you want to watch ponies besides the cool animations and cuddly cute ponies?
3)Has Ponies affected your life in any way?
4)Season 3 will be out soon enough, any predictions? (This Question are also for the hosts)
5)Would you, If you had the time, be interested in helping out to make a Malaysian Bronycon?