『Check Out Our Stories!』

hello everyone! lovemuffin here! it's finally winter break for us so we can update a butt load of stuff!

we also thought this would be a good time for everyone to get to know us.

look how cute i am in real life, lol. sorry it's so small. ^^;

Pfft, I'm much more fabulous. Look here biatches.

That's not the photo I wanted...

well, it happened anyway. >u<

Anyway, I've been addicted to Owl City since I've heard their song, Bombshell Blonde.

i'm more of a Green Day fan.

I like Green Day too, but I'm on a Owl City groove right now.

my favorite color is green.

Mine is, Royal Purple.

that's because you like being treated like a princess.

Yes...I like to be treated like a...

A communist princess. Yeah that's right, CookieGoneBad, believes in communism. F*ck you.

Could we not do this..

To be honest though, this is true about her.

The Jews must par-


i'm very religious and close to God. my family goes to church every Sunday.

I on the other hand, don't really want anything to do with religion. I believe it's just a thing for weak people to believe in and why the world gets into wars like it does.

lots of people probably aren't gonna read our stories because of you..

Let's explain them now then or I'll get back into my communism streak.

haha, you're so funny. ^^;;;; anyway!

check out our first and longest story, Lovely Yet Difficult Times.

Check out our second story which is about 2 episodes away from being done, Heart Keeper!

And lastly we actually have a third story called, Fight for Your Life!

Go check them out...please.

this has been lovemuffin.

Still not happening.

can't you just do i once! for me!?

T-This...has been, CookieGoneBad.

Both: See You!!!

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公開日 2014/12/20 16:35 再生回数 9


lovemuffin and I tell you some stuff about us and the stories we make! :D

