『High School Wars!(pt.1』

An average school, an average life..yet I have hyper friends..I kinda am too..okay maybe I am too...

My name is, Ai Sakai! My second year at Edou High School!

Yo! Watch where you are going! I could've died!

Oh, I am really sorry!!

You see her? Yeah, the girl I ran in to. Meiko the preppy one! She thinks she owns EVERYTHING! No! She just acts like that because of her daddy!

Oh hi Ryoga!

Ugh~ he's Meiko's boyfriend. Yuck! Both are so preppy and pysico in the brain! If you know what I mean...

Hey Ai~ wanna come over my place and, "hang out?"

Ew~ get away! I am going to tell Mekio about this!

No don't! I was just kidding around! Nooooo-

Agh!!! Mekio!! I have some-

Ew. What do you want you commoner!?

Your boyfriend was hitting on me!! You need to tell him something!

Ugh! I'll go tell him something with my fists!!


I'm going to visit my friend at Yugamy High!

*traveling to Yumgamy High* *reached Yugamy High*

Hey Saki! How are you doing Girlie!?

Oh, I didn't know you were here Ai.

Yeah I was!I came here to give you a homemade bento lunch today! Yay!

Ok thank you very much and I have a lama keychain for you to.

It's sooo kawaī!! I'm going to hook it to my lanyard!

See her? She is my friend, Saki in Yugamy High. It's about 4 blocks away from my high school.

Hey, you want to come over later?

Sure! Oh I think we should be going back see you later!

Oh crap! That's right! I'll see you after school then?


*Ai traveling back to Eduo high*

Why herro little girl. Can I bring you back to your school?

WTF?! Glob no!! *pedals away faster than usual....*

Aw~ man! I didn't scare that girl! Plus she's too fast on her bike!

Calm down. We can scare her after school hours. I'm sure it won't be hard for you. Hahah!!! Isn't that right Mr.Pocket Kitty?

Hahah! She is going down!!

Were from The crazy mixup and were going to be on these episodes for now on.

  • J 次のページ
  • K 前のページ
  • [ 最初のページ
  • ] 最後のページ
  • E フキダシのモーションON/OFF
  • 0 自動ページ送りOFF
  • 1 自動ページ送り (おそい)
  • 2 自動ページ送り (ふつう)
  • 3 自動ページ送り (はやい)
  • P 自動ページ送りの停止/再開
  • ? キーボード操作の表示
公開日 2012/09/01 01:55 再生回数 10

