『Lovely Yet Difficult Times(Episode 26)』

So yeah it's been awhile...

You know Autumn everyone does miss you alot....and I know you probaly don't want to hear this,but...

Nathan also misses you alot too.

Sam I really-

Look he even tried writing you a letter even though he had no idea where to mail it to....the point is he's trying to let you know he's really sorry.

Amy: Sam! Dinner's ready.

Let's go eat I'm straving.

Yeah me too.


Great...back where I- *COUGH* started...


Autumn...where are you...

Sam that hot bath felt good! Did you guys get a new bathtub or new plumming or what?


She fell asleep I better be quiet.

Sam has a blue room or something downstairs I'll probably rest there for awhile.

Wow it's so beautiful here.

The outside is-

What's that lying on the ground out there...

Oh my God it's Chiuko!

Chiuko! Chiuko wake up please! Chiuko!

Are you...okay?

Don't ask me if I'm okay...

Are you okay?

Yeah I-


You need to lay down.

No...Autumn I need to get home,but I can- *COUGH COUGH*

You need to go home now! Why didn't you tell me you can't stay in the human world that long!?

I wanted you...to be happy & have fun with your *HUFF* friends...

But Chiuko if your injured, sick, or on the verge of dying I would do anything to save you! Why would you do something so reckless for my happiness!?

Because I...I...

Chiuko understand this! If you die I'll....I'll never be happy! All I need is Chiuko in my life to be happy! So why did you-

AUTUMN! *COUGH COUGH* It's because I...

Flashback Time! ^^

Chiuko: When your angry...

Chiuko: Laughing,

Chiuko: Or just joking around...

Chiuko: Even when you changed into your human form permently...

Chiuko: I can't stop thinking about you...

Chiuko: Your just so cute all the time...

Flashback Time Over ^O^

Chiuko:....I love you.

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公開日 2012/10/31 09:36 再生回数 13

