『A Cheesy Title Ch.2』

Narrator: Last time, Kyon was going to ask Dekora's friends what's going on. Let's see what will happen.

Whoa who knew that the school library was so big? (Kyon doesn't read)

Well I guess I should be looking for Dekora's friends.

Hey, Roguma I finally found you!

Oh, hey Kyon I didn't see you. So what's up?

Well, I was going to ask you about Dekora. Is there something going on or what?

Umm... About that...

Office caller thingy: Roguma Tachibana please come to the office. Roguma Tachibana.

Got to go. Oh, and meet me on the roof when I'm done doing stuff at the office okay?


Narrator: About 30 minutes later.

Man, it's getting late. If she doesn't show up I'm gonna leave.


Ahh! You scared me! (lol that jump scare though)

So did you hear about the incident?

Wut incident?

Dekora is supposed to be engaged to this douche in England, so in order to escape that she has to find a boyfriend in a week.

Wha- I didn't know that I just thought that she liked me.

Well she sorta does, plus she wanted to ask you if you could somewhat pretend to be her BF for the week.

Okay, I'll help but just because I'm her friend too and I don't want to see her get married to a douche.

Also, couldn't you help her cause your BF is rich.

Well since her father is the Chair man of this school I can basically do nothing to interfere.

So for next week you have to be all lovey-dovey for Dekora OK?!

Ok, ok, ok.

Geez. Highschool is complicated.

Narrator: Make sure to wait for more awkward and funny scenes cause next time will N0T blow your mind.

  • J 次のページ
  • K 前のページ
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  • ] 最後のページ
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  • 1 自動ページ送り (おそい)
  • 2 自動ページ送り (ふつう)
  • 3 自動ページ送り (はやい)
  • P 自動ページ送りの停止/再開
  • ? キーボード操作の表示
公開日 2014/07/15 04:55 再生回数 6

