『Lovely Yet Difficult Times(Episode 8)』

W-where am I!?

Nice to see you Miss Autumn.

Who the hell are you?!

Watch your language!

You may call me Miss Cotton.

Cotton huh? That's a very pretty name.

It's not that pretty Miss Autumn!

Wait a second! Don't start getting friendly, where's Sophie!?

She's safe I assure you Miss Autumn.

Don't call me "Miss" it makes me feel old.

Sorry Mi- I mean Autumn.

How do you know Sophie's safe?

She's with a person I trust a lot and know very well.

You mean that blabber mouth that talked to us the whole time before you two seprated us!?

Autumn plese calm down you don't understand you and Sophie's situation!

You see Autumn, I'm your conscience.


Why do you doubt me in so many ways. It really hurts me Autumn that you don't trust or believe me.


Tell me everything you know about what's going on.

Okay so you see I'm a version of Sophie.

But you look nothing like Sophie.

What I mean is I have her polite personality and I'm perfect for the job of being your conscience because I'm as polite and patient as Sopie.

Which means we're mostly in eachother's minds and see what the other person wold do and think, right?

Almost. I'm still your conscience though and I still give you guilt and everything else that comes with the package.

So if I have a concience like Sophie then...

Sophie has a conscience like me...

Do you know how horrilbe I can be!

Yes A-Autumn I do, but Sophie doesn't get one! Since she's a nice enough person already!

Hmm...you know,now that i think about it how old are you,exactly.

I'm 19.

Are you a professinal?


That's great!

Yes indeed.

Okay no need to be so flattered by a simple compliment.

Yes, I'm sorry Autumn.

It's okay, your fine no need to say sorry.

But can you please get us out of here I think we're running out of oxygen.

Yes Autumn.

ready ready set go.

End Of Flashback

And that's how we met.

Now I remember. Thanks Cotton.

Your welcome Autumn.

You blush a lot Cotton.

Autumn your embrassing me.

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公開日 2012/08/24 07:23 再生回数 12

