『A Cheesy Title Ch.3』

Narrator: Hello there!! If you haven't seen what's happened in ch. 1-2 I'll give you a short and sweet summary.

Narrator: (clears throat) So Dekora is going to be married to a douche (but she's only like 17) and to reject the engagement she must have/find a boyfriend in a week or so.

Narrator: Now go watch those chapters if you haven't, and for the people who have already seen those on to the story!

Yes! Finally the weekend!

Now that it's the weekend I can finally finish playing Final Fantasy 4.

2 hours later...

Narrator: This is his constipa- I mean concentration face and his relaxation clothes. (Or maybe his gaming clothes?)

Yes! I finally finished the boss battle and now...

The game is over.

But I still got the ending!

And now I have nothing to do.

Oh yeah I need to call Dekora about the "one week BF" thingy. ( This is going to be awkward.)

Mochi wanna skip Master Kyon's boring dialogue on the phone?

Yeah let's do that. Also lets tell the viewers who we are.

I'm obviously Mochi and this dark cat is Kimchi. We're the cats of Kyon, our "Master." That's it for us, now...

Both cats: Back to the show!

That call was so awkward. Plus, a date? Really?

I shouldn't get mad at her though. Remember, remember, remember. She's going to be engaged to some douche in England. It isn't her fault.

So, I will go for her sake!

Umm... She's sorta late.

(Breathing heavily) I'm (huff) s- so sorry (huff) that I'm late for (huff) the date.

It's okay Dekora. I just got here.

Oh yeah, it's not me your going to date. It's Ami-chan.

Y-you?! But I thought Dekora was the one who was engaged and stuff...

P- pl- please take care of me.

Isn't she just too cute to let down though?

Yea- But wait what was with your convincing act at school and stuff? And was Roguma on to it too?

You know, you should really stop thinking of yourself. K-y-o-n.

And all the things like engagement and stuff is true for Ami.

I guess I'll still help then. But please tell Ami too not actually fall for me.

Oh, but she's already fallen for you. And watcha gunna do 'bout it?

Okay, okay but this is only for the week.

Who knows? She might want to stay with you forever? ;)

Umm... Date?

Narrator: Yes, yes we'll put the date in the next chapter. See you next time!

  • J 次のページ
  • K 前のページ
  • [ 最初のページ
  • ] 最後のページ
  • E フキダシのモーションON/OFF
  • 0 自動ページ送りOFF
  • 1 自動ページ送り (おそい)
  • 2 自動ページ送り (ふつう)
  • 3 自動ページ送り (はやい)
  • P 自動ページ送りの停止/再開
  • ? キーボード操作の表示
公開日 2014/07/16 00:08 再生回数 6

