『Heart Keeper Epsiode 8』

Hayate's Mom works today and I have school so you'll be alone until she gets home or until I get back.

That's too long.

Is not, you'll be fine.

Hayate: Emi! Let's go!

I got to go. Don't cause trouble. -jumps out window-

I know...

Hey, you're wearing the outfit I got you.

It's not because I like it, it's simply because it's more of a school outfit.

Hey wait fo-


Don't just think you can leave without me!

I have to be the one that does that.

You haven't done it yet so...

That doesn't mean anything.

Wait up!

Did you find out yet?


But you know darn well she should-

?: Kiku!

I'll see you later, Akahana.

Okay see you!

I have a bone to pick with you.

Me? Why?

You set up a date involving me with Mei when I was busy on that day and was not aware of the date til Mei called me the night before.

It's not like it matters now, you enjoy going on dates with girls.

So really there's no reason for you to be mad.

I have to go now, class is going to start soon.


Okay class today...

Inside his head:Hayate: Ugh...so bored. This guy next to me is not gonna do anything. He's a Teacher's pet.

I know the answer Miss Yoko.

Inside his head:Ryuu: That guy...always trying to impress Miss Yoko.

Inside his head:Ryuu: Miss Yoko....

-whisper- ...you okay?

Ah, yes sorry.

Miss Yoko: Eikoto hush!

....-looks out window-

....isn't that...

Ryuu: EMI!!??

Miss Yoko: Eikoto!

Emi...? -looks out window-


Namaka! Where are you going!?

Just leave Hayate alone!

I don't like you always being with him and being so close to him!


It wasn't a question it was a command.

I don't take commands, especially from people like you.

I'm like a stray cat, I have nowhere to go, I don't have a place where I belong...

Y-Yet Hayate and his Mother welcomed me with open arms into their household! I have a place where I feel safe now and I can take better care of a friend!

...your not going to ruin that for me.



We need to have a serious discussion.

Where is he?

I have stuff to do Emi so I'm going to leave.


See ya.


Mom's gonna kill me.

I knew Ryuu would leave.


Are you coming home are not?

What are you doing here? Don't tell me you've been following me.

For your information I picked her up from home and we've been here for about 2 hours waiting for you!

Okay calm down.

Come on! Your Mom's making dinner it'll be done soon!

Wait for me, Ume!

So I;ve being meaning to ask, how long is she gonna be with us?

This time I really don't know...


That dinner was so delicious.

Ume I would like to ask you a question.

Yes, what is it?

How long do you plan on staying here this time?


To me honest with you Emi I don't know myself.

I'm a little scared to go home this time...


  • J 次のページ
  • K 前のページ
  • [ 最初のページ
  • ] 最後のページ
  • E フキダシのモーションON/OFF
  • 0 自動ページ送りOFF
  • 1 自動ページ送り (おそい)
  • 2 自動ページ送り (ふつう)
  • 3 自動ページ送り (はやい)
  • P 自動ページ送りの停止/再開
  • ? キーボード操作の表示
公開日 2013/08/03 09:57 再生回数 6

