『Fight for Your Life (Part 4)』

How much longer? My feet are killing me..

Do you want a piggy back ride then?


A woman my age getting a piggy back ride from a high school student..HOW ABSURD!

-covers her mouth- Shh! You want to get us murdered?!


How old are you anyway?

A-Asking a woman about her age..have you no shame.

I'm 26, if you must know.

You're only 9 years older than me?

I thought you were older than that.

..Calm down. I'm only kidding.

Wait! Tell me your name! I have yet to know it. I told you mine already, so tell me yours. Tell me. Tell me.

If you must know so badly, it's Katsumoto. Call me Katsu, for short though.


You act pretty weird for your age. You seem like a kitten.

Don't talk about it.. In any other news, I would like to know more about this whole, annual school killings?

... Each student in this school district kills as many people as they can. The government makes us do it to decrease the school population.

They bargain us with points to add on to our grades. The points they add on depend on how may people that student kills.

So, for example, if a student kills...20 people-

20 people!?


That seems so.. sad.

.... Anyway, if they kill 20 people, that's how many points gets added to each subject that student takes.

20 people...

What's with you and the 20 people?

Well..I don't understand why people would kill other people in general, even if they did earn something "positive" by doing so.

Maybe it's just me?

.... No, you're right. It's wrong even if that person does earn something good in return for taking another living being's life.



I got something right. I want a reward.

.... -pats Rin on her head-


.... Anyway, we're almost to my house. Once we get there we can eat and relax for a little bit.

Sounds good!

Welcome to my-

Wait. Stop.


...one of my traps has gone off. I'll go check it out.


I set up traps for around this week. Stay here, I mean it.


Well then, I didn't expect some 8th grader to break into my house. Come to kill me? Or my Mother maybe?

You big jerk! Let me down from this net!

The girl hung from a net above the living room.

I would, but breaking and entering is a serious crime and you need to be punished.

Frankly I have a guest and I need to get rid of you quickly. So, I can't make this punish last very long unfortunately.

W-What are you gonna do with me!?


I have to silence you quickly. Ms. Rin could have heard you by now.

-grabs butcher's knife-

Um...say don't do anything weird now.. Just let me go and we can pretend none of this happened.

.... When I cut the rope you're gonna hit the ground pretty hard and scream, making a loud noise that Ms. Rin might hear...

.... -cuts rope-


-covers the pink haired girl's mouth- Shush. If you ruin my plans I might just take my sweet time with you.


.... So annoying. -stabs her in the middle of her chest-


Just be good. -licks lips- -twists knife around- -slices down to reveal organs-

-cries- IT HURRSSSS!! -sobs- -bites his hand-

...don't fight when you've already lost. -places knife down- -shoves hand in her open wound and pulls out her organs-

-stops moving-

Goodness, that one took forever. I didn't want Ms. Rin to hear all that though. I'm surpised Ms. Rin didn't ask about the thump she made when she hit the ground.

Oh well, I better get this cleaned up.

I- I've made a horrible mistake...

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公開日 2014/12/20 18:25 再生回数 13

